Binge-Eating Disorder Definition

Many people don’t know what a binge-eating disorder (BED) is despite it being more common than its better known cousins, anorexia and bulimia.  Here’s a good definition that I’ve pieced together during my research on the topic:

People with binge-eating disorder (BED) experience episodes of binge-eating during which they consume large quantities of food in a brief period over which they have no control.  Binge-eating is chronic and can lead to serious health complications, particularly severe obesity, diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases (American Psychiatric Association). 

The causes of BED are not fully known or understood.  It is believed that it can be hereditary, stress related or caused by emotional trauma.

To date there is no cure for BED but lifetime recovery is possible with appropriate, ongoing treatment and lifestyle changes. 

Until next time….


Hello and Welcome to LifeStrides:  my binge-eating disorder blog!

This is my first official post and I’m really excited to share my experience recovering from my binge-eating disorder diagnosis and life-long struggle with my weight.  So much and so many have helped me through this and my hope is that I can help others out of the torture of obsessing about weight, diets and exercise to the exclusion of what’s really important….living life in a healthy, happy and meaningful way.

Stay tuned, I’ll post regularly and would love to see your comments and thoughts.  Until next time…