Practice Makes Imperfect

The word practice means “to do something again and again in order to become better at it.”  I don’t think practice makes perfect, I think practice makes imperfect.

I practice meditation each day and yoga occasionally.  I practice self-love multiple times a day because that is how many times I start to self-ridicule.  Each time I fall into saying something mean about myself to myself, I practice being nicer.  Sometimes it works and I prevent a complete meltdown and sometimes it doesn’t work and I walk around in a self-induced melancholy.  I realize that my “practice” has helped me become better at self-love but it’s still imperfect and that is good enough.  🙂

One thought on “Practice Makes Imperfect

  1. LOVE this! Practicing. This is so refreshing bc it means it’s ok that I’ve stumbled.

    Thanks for this!

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