Happy New Year!

I’ve been thinking about New Year’s Resolutions and trying to decide if I think they’re good, bad or neutral.  Here’s what I’ve come up with:  I think most resolutions are unrealistic and are, therefore, broken resulting in feelings of failure.  In this case, I can do without them.

Maybe a better strategy is to resolve to do the things in life that make you feel good and happy…taking up a new hobby, identifying your passion, calling {insert name here} more or looking in the mirror and saying something nice to yourself.  This year, I don’t think it should involve weight or diets or exercise or any of the self-loathing that goes along with those types of resolutions.

So, I am choosing a resolution that will result in good things and not in negative feelings and that is to practice “living mindfully and in the moment” because, when it comes down to it, that is all we have.

Happy New Year and heart-felt wishes for the best ever 2014!!

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year!

  1. What a wonderful blog! Thank you for doing this in the world. I’m sure many people’s lives will be enriched by reading your posts and learning about LifeStrides!

  2. Love the idea of goals which make us feel good. Amazing how a different perspective changes things.

  3. Happy new year!! Cheers to a great 2014, I can’t wait for the center to open and for you to touches the lives of many. Xo

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