Buddha’s poem continues…
“Do not believe a thing because the general opinion believes it to be true or because it has been said repeatedly.”
It takes so much courage to believe differently from others or from society. We, as a culture, send mixed messages of what the general opinion is or should be. In the words of one of my Commentators, “It is grossly unfair that the food and beverage industries have driven children to unhealthy life styles and often obesity on the one hand while the fashion industry has sent a message that only skinny women and men with six-packs are up to par.”
With such mixed messages, it becomes even more important to carefully analyze the values and images that are promoted and make determinations about what our beliefs are based upon our positive and negative experiences and their examination. Only then can one establish their truth which may or may not be different from society’s and only then can one muster the courage to be different.