Have you ever made a decision, met someone with whom you clicked or had an experience that just felt right? It’s so hard to explain how this feels in your body unless you’ve experienced it but that’s how I felt when I wrote the “I’m The Only One” post. It felt right, there was a confidence in my writing that mirrored the confidence I felt (and feel) in my body that those words were the key to battling binge-eating, obesity and weight issues. I know this is a strong statement but I’m confident it’s correct. Of course, reading the words and cognitively knowing them in your brain doesn’t unlock the mystery…you need to experience the words and feel them in your body for them to be effective. This “AHA” moment looks different for everyone and I’m dedicating myself to helping people interpret these words and to convert them into experience. It’s an amazing journey and I’m so excited to help people find their own unique key to unlocking themselves from this torture.
Feel free to contact me at [email protected] for more information, I’d love to talk with you.