Sometimes I put so much pressure on myself to be perfect and do the right thing, that I forget to be in the moment and enjoy life. It leads me to feeling trapped and dejected because the expectation to be perfect inevitably leads to my core belief that “I’m not good enough” or “I’m not doing enough” to meet my goals. No one is perfect or can be perfect. Perfection is an unrealistic expectation so why does it feel so crappy to fall short?
I’ve come to realize that the persuit of perfection is a coping skill in and of itself…if I spend time trying to fix everything, organize everything, schedule everything, plan everything, control what others think of me, etc…I don’t have to look too closely at what is really bothering me. If there’s so much on my ‘perfection to do list’ that I can obsessively be busy with, I never get/make time to really examine what’s underneath. It’s a coping skill I’m slowly but surely relying on less and less