For as long as I can remember, I’ve based my self-worth on how much I weigh. I’m worthy and lovable if thin, unworthy and unlovable if heavy despite my non-weight related successes. I now realize that, in the entire scheme of things, weight and appearance aren’t the important things in life. Relying on one’s weight and appearance to determine self-worth is a superficial measure of a soul’s humanity.**
I am trying very hard to dispel this belief and, when I’m successful, the question becomes: how do I determine my self-worth when I’m not focused on weight as the indicator? Who am I, as a person, if weight isn’t defining me anymore? Dismantling this belief, reinforced over 30 years, turns me deeply inward to find answers which is more than a bit scary. Although, I am curious because, after all, I’m not really sure where to look or what I’m going to find.
**A healthy weight and good hygiene are important for good health but my core belief never included them so I’m not talking about them here.
Consider that your self worth is measured in spiritual terms by the love of those who matter have for you regardless of superficial physical appearance and that your worth to others is measured by the effect you have had on their lives and well being.